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Since y’all want some yuri recs. So stories with a decent plot and spice are soulmate, pulse, lily love 1 and 2.

Kiki like topic of Unrequited Love Skill

Tbh honest, I'm quite disappointed with this story. Well, I have been for some time, but it just really is rushed and the execution doesn't fit right with me.

The beginning was really good, honestly, I was a team Joy, but then near the end everything seemed to fall apart. I had a feeling Dahye is gonna be the endgame since the beginning, so I was waiting for her point of view when I could understand her and like her. But that actually never came... I got to see her side of the story, but it just made me feel more meh. It didn't seem like anything special. Not like I wanted it to be special, but I still see no reason why would I want her to be with Yuna. She herself is still not aware of her feelings and is acting as if she was Yuna's girlfriend all this time and Yuna just cheated on her. She may be a closeted lesbian, or whatever, but her actions are absurd. Yuna should have gotten mad at her, that is what Dahye deserved. She was, however, too blinded by love to see that this behaviour shouldn't be supported. Dahye should be the one coming to Yuna and apologising to her. Not acting like the biggest victim bc Yuna cared about someone else (though it was mean how Yuna ignored her, I give her that it's something reasonable to be mad about).

The worst thing, it became impossible to ship Yuna with Joy. Firstly, Yuna didn't even love her, she just used Joy as some sort of rebound. Secondly, the story itself stopped caring about Joy. She was just made to be a perfect person and no deeper character.

If this story tried to take some realistic approach, then they all would have ended up single for the time being. And this isn't anything like love triangles tend to go like this way. I read many other stories with a love triangle where my ship didn't win, but I knew it was the best outcome. That's how love triangles should work. I know that one needs to be a bit open-minded to see things that way but in this manhwa, I just can't see it. Truly, there is no ship for me anymore.

The angry Joy scene was the best out of the whole thing, it's a pity she forgave Yuna so easily. Hate is baggage, but Yuna did basically use her. No excuse here. Forgiveness shouldn't be given so easily, but it's needed for a happy ending. I once had been betrayed this way by someone who claimed to be interested in me, they turned out to be a big fake person, but I don't hate them, I just never want to meet them and plainly don't care. But that's me.

Anyway, it is probably my fault for expecting something more. The artstyle was great, but the story was a weak one. I hope the author will improve in the future because there is a potential.

Kiki created a topic of Request to leave

Is this story gonna have smut? I rly enjoy the way it is rn but I’m just curious if they may spice it up

Kiki created a topic of Lilith 2

Guys I just wanted to let y’all know that there is a notice of suspension in the raws after 1 more chapter. I don’t understand Korean so I have no clue what the author was saying but I think Lilith 2 may be going on pause while the author recovers physically.

Kiki created a topic of Opium

Does Dr Arden know that Dr Lee is only using her? Or is she just going along with it since she has fallen for Dr Lee?

Kiki created a topic of Lilith 2

Guys I just wanted to let y’all know that there is a notice of suspension in the raws after 2 more chapters. I don’t understand Korean so I have no clue what the author was saying but I think Lilith 2 may be going on pause or will be discontinued. But idk I can send ss to whoever can translate

Kiki created a topic of Soul Drifters

Imagine moaning numbers lol

Kiki created a topic of Unrequited Love Skill

It’s ok to have a different opinion on the story or want Yuna to be in a relationship with someone you prefer but there’s no need for so much toxicity and hate. The author has done a wonderful job with this story, like it or not it’s pretty realistic. Showing those who struggle with their sexuality versus those who already know who they are. Dahye and Joy are perfect examples of this. Dahye after developing feelings for Yuna that she’s never felt before is beginning to question herself and her life choices. Joy on the other hand has always known who she was and shows no shame as seen through her posting a couples ring. Plus y’all are reading this on a bootlegged website, you reading it here doesn’t affect the author at all. Be appreciative that you can even read this at all for free.

Kiki created a topic of Unrequited Love Skill

Thank you translator! Quick question though do we get the rest of the chapters all in one day after the 2 weeks or is going to be one chapter everyday like before?

Kiki created a topic of White Blood

Anyone know where I could find the raws for free?

Kiki created a topic of Lilith 2

Who is Choi Heejung? Ooo a new character??

Kiki created a topic of Unrequited Love Skill
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22 12,2020
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22 12,2020