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Cora-san created a topic of Serious Joke

The second couple were a rollercoaster they had more drama then the main couple lol i loved the second couple more happens to me in every story lol
I hope lil depressed bby gets his scars treated well and they work on their communication skills better

Cora-san created a topic of My Boss’s Beastly Lush

People help me
Is this another love triangle

Cora-san created a topic of Solo For Two

Miscommunication thats their problem
The fucking push and pull is killing me

Cora-san created a topic of Seeing Double

Ok someone spoil me so i can decide to read it
Does both of the seme fall for the same guy and the uke has to pick one like yours to claim or like any other lover triangles
If so i can happily drop this before i ruin my days

Cora-san created a topic of 19 Days

Did lil mo ignore him cuz he was jelly ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄

Im gonna get old until the official ch catch up lol

Cora-san created a topic of Finder

Didnt akihito loose his memories or something like that what happened after that someone please give me some spoilers and explanation so i can decide weather to pick this up or not huhuhu

Cora-san created a topic of Full volume

Our babies are finally married ╥﹏╥

Cora-san created a topic of Full volume

Im crying rn this turned out to be so wholesome and cute i dont want it to be the end yet but its perfect but i still want more
What to do people i love this

Cora-san created a topic of Peach Boy (Yooyoung)

Explain whats gonna happen to our main peach boy??

Cora-san created a topic of Top to Bottom / Big & Big

Ay yo what about the side character yo

Cora-san created a topic of Fate Between Neighbors

Fuck those step bitches in the eye of an whore everyone else is also an whore fucking bitch go burn in hell i hope karma hits u so hard that even the devil will feel bad for you stupid bitch

Cora-san created a topic of Not a Sugar Daddy

Even with all that bullshit rumors and all that push and pull the uke and the seme didnt decide to go fuck someone else to forget about each other that part showed how much they couldn’t be without each other
They had to suffer a lot cuz of misunderstanding im happy that they are happy now

Cora-san created a topic of A Nonsense Relationship

Good thing i just skipped to the last three chapters lol sorry (=・ω・=)

Cora-san created a topic of High Clear

The red hair fox is just tooooo cute
The black hairs actions expresses his feelings not face but the red hairs face expresses his feelings more then his action lol i love them

Cora-san created a topic of The best luck of my life

The another couple covering the dudes face was hilarious

Cora-san created a topic of Jinx

Ah fuck now he is gonna blame him isnt he misunderstanding on the people hold your horses cuz this shit is about to give us depression shouldnt read it for atleast 4 ch update

Cora-san created a topic of Paper Flower

They are just cockblocking each other at this point ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍