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pink1butterfly asked a question

Can anyone recommend me books with black hair bottoms with glasses (bl) :)

(Straight) bdsm with a dominant female ;)

Can somebody recommend me something similar to this already read the my hero academia one

pink1butterfly asked a question

I want to read manga with kind of submissive and dominant hardcore but soft and them in love both bl and straight

pink1butterfly followed a list
13 03,2021
pink1butterfly followed a list

Because we all love this trope 
(BL only) 

Each page has my top 10 recs for these categories:
Pg 1 ➼ lighthearted
Pg 2 ➼ dark/heavy
Pg 3 ➼ sexual tension
Pg 4 ➼ slow burn
Pg 5 and beyond ➼ mix of stories
(will periodically shuffle order as I add more ◈ last re-organized 10/07/2023)

**The more extreme/explosive relationships tagged hate to love**

09 03,2021
pink1butterfly asked a question

Can someone recommend me something similar to Ore no Kirai na Senpai :)

Can someone recommend me something similar

pink1butterfly created a topic of Hetakuso Love Step

Can someone please recommend me something similar

pink1butterfly followed a list
04 03,2021
pink1butterfly followed a list
pink1butterfly followed a list
pink1butterfly followed a list

I especially adore respectful, sweet semes who are head over heels for the adorable ukes and care for them (there are puppy ones too). So I made this list and it will MOSTLY be fluffy (and non- smut) ones because I LOVE FLUFF

Feel free to recommend if you found it helpful~

Oh and this list will probably have lots of “cute” and “adorable” because my vocabulary for cuteness consists of these only but they are CUTE what more can I say hehe
+personal ratings (but well tastes differ (〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜 )

27 02,2021