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orphiann created a topic of Gig of the Day

im scared for yeomin’s life... im not even joking anymore. to think this tae whatever have sex with yeomin whenever and whenever without consideration

orphiann asked a question

hii, can you recommend me a good angsty story? im kinda feeling neutral right now and want a change of pace (i want to hurt my self) so yeah, thankyou!

orphiann created a topic of Killer Peter

if villain, why hot???? why hot, really so hot it's a crime

orphiann created a topic of Stigmata


orphiann created a topic of Eleceed

it's near yet so far. guestella’s alr doing so much yet kayden... kayden you... it seems there's still a long way to go. i pity guestella lmao

orphiann created a topic of Serious Joke

oh yuh ji seungha? noticing such things now huh

orphiann created a topic of Zhong Qing

there's like many side couple in here, i enjoy every bit of it

orphiann asked a question

this may seem random, but what are y'all’s stance about the male leads that

Even if yayul accumulated a shit ton of trauma and suffering to the point that he killed the mc, that still doesn't excuse and erase the fact that HE KILLED YEON. Im irritated by these people that only focuses on the present yayul, completely ignoring what he did in the past. TO FORGIVE DOESN'T MEAN TO FORGET. the fact that he killed the mc in the past immediately disqualifies him as a male lead candidate. that's just what it is. this doesn't mean i don't like yayul, i like him and i feel nothing but empathy towards what he may have suffered in the past. but i will not excuse what he did. My heart goes with Yeon, and my opinion is based on her perspective.

y'all, yayul killed her in her past life, that should've been enough for y'all to root for the namgoong kid as the ml. i mean, yayul is a good kid now in this life time. but we can't just suddenly erase what happened in the past as if it didn't happen, right? in the mc’s pastlife, namgoong has been nothing but good to her. (he's hella handsome too)

those who likes yayul to be the ml must like abandoned empress lmao.

she's seeing herself lol. she must be suffering a ton to wish for someone to die.

orphiann created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

i didn't know tak’s family is LIKE THAT. lol omyg, i guess it's no wonder? they raised a son out of tak after all. no wonder, no wonder! atleast this gives a reason why tak’s such an asshole to sanho and also to his feelings. lmao! although ofc, it's inexcusable for him to be such a hurtful jerk to sanho. but imagine if tak’s family is accepting, yet tak is like THAT. that would've been waaay worse.

orphiann created a topic of Solo Farming In The Tower

baby got smaller!!!! ey!

ano ka ba emilia! have some decency! akin na si almond!! para ka namang ano riyan! hindi na para sabihan ka pa! lumayo ka na bilis!

shou and nana are a bad pair because shou is tsundere who hides his real intentions alot. while sudaka is on the straightforward side, that's why they're a good pair. him and nana.

orphiann created a topic of Fight Club

you're shocked! a bit embarrassed... but.. well!

orphiann created a topic of Serious Joke

the part where Deborah asks isidore to investigate himself and the part where isidore compiles and hands out the fruit of his ‘research’ still cracks me up so much HAHAHAHHAHHHAHAHAHAHAHA LOL

orphiann created a topic of Eleceed