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ProcrastinationIncarnate did ( All 1 )

stay at home for several days

ProcrastinationIncarnate's experience ( All 0 )

ProcrastinationIncarnate's answer ( All 16 )

Do not send random people money.   reply
25 10,2023
1. Anything coconut-related (coconut-flavored anything, bounty, etc) it makes me nauseous. 2. Almond paste (spijs/amandelspijs in Dutch, google translate said it was almond paste so... ) also makes me nauseous and I hate the texture. 3. Pineapple, not just on pizza, so anything pineapple-flavored, the sweetness in pineapple just makes me sick. ......   reply
17 07,2021
Well, it's not a specific word and it's for an obvious reason, but when people curse with diseases. Especially cancer, my grandfather died of cancer and I just feel it's disrespectful to anyone who has suffered from/is suffering from/has lost someone to cancer. It really gets on my nerves when people curse with that word. In my mother tongue there ......   reply
17 07,2021
about question
8/10, The government is ok, they're better than other governments of other countries but when we're in a crisis they're just fighting amongst themselves and trying to please the people to get votes n shit instead of taking proper measures at the right times. People are usually not that bad but there are some pretty rude ones out there. Infrastructu......   1 reply
04 07,2021
How should I know, I don't know what people think about me so how would I know the answer to that question? Honestly, I'm always pretty awkward around people I don't know well and if they're quiet or awkward like me, it's even more awkward. Only once I get used to talking to someone do I open up and act more lively around them because I know they w......   reply
21 06,2021

ProcrastinationIncarnate's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

want to do question

Guys, what do you think , if your male partner cries out of pleasure , while he's pleasuring you. Is it a turnoff ?

9 hours
did being in a wlw relationship

my girlfriend is the prettiest girl in the world (i tell her this everyday)

12 hours
did being in a wlw relationship

i love my girlfeidn

15 hours