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JustAnon created a topic of Conditions of a Guide

I was so confused, I tot it was a second couple

JustAnon created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

Does he mean "fucked", like fucked up or fucked

JustAnon created a topic of Gig of the Day

I just don't want to see that cinnamon roll hurt, pleaseeeeeeeee (๑•ㅂ•)و

JustAnon created a topic of Can't Think Straight

Time to crawl hahaha don't walk, crawl u lil shit

JustAnon created a topic of Perfect Buddy

I tot we're going into the fluffy parts ugh

JustAnon created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

Beautiful art, god damn that was breathtaking

JustAnon created a topic of Full volume

I feel like I shouldn't be seeing this, like a lil private moment (≧∀≦)

JustAnon created a topic of 19 Days

Since I can't comment a gif
*SpongeBob licking the screen gif*

JustAnon created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

This ML and the one in can't think straight should start a club for idiots, the delulu is strong

JustAnon created a topic of Perfect Buddy

I FUCKIN LOVE IT!!!!! will be re reading while waiting.

JustAnon created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

Sanho baby I'll take you in, Tak is a walking red flag and delusional asshole ffs

JustAnon created a topic of Limited Run

I screamed fuck before breathing again, dammn that was good

JustAnon created a topic of Our Sunny Days

AHHHHHH literally kicking my feet, giggling and having cuteness aggression over grown ass men (*^3^)/~♡

JustAnon created a topic of Bye Bye

Bitch I got spooked! Hahaha my heart still raising, I thought we gonna get someone injured/dead

JustAnon created a topic of Our Sunny Days

Saw fluffy comments and continued reading from ch 12 no one warned me! I sobbed

JustAnon created a topic of Bye Bye

Good thing tears are good for your skin (个_个)

JustAnon created a topic of Instant Mountain Offering

Ch.6 feels like I need to cleanse my eyes with some fluff sheesh (⊙…⊙ )

This one is always my go-to, love the relationship, relatable simping and just hella funny

Silently sobbing, gosh that hurts. Let them be the end game tho