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Ginyuuu created a topic of Finder

It updates so little, I hate it because I know I like the manga but damn. I aint rereading everytime

Ginyuuu created a topic of Gig of the Day
Ginyuuu created a topic of The Escape

Never read such bad work before. The whole “falsely accused bs” rubbed me the wrong way. Artwork is trash, story was trash, ew

Ginyuuu created a topic of Legs That Won't Walk

its hard to keep track of the whole yakuza stuff plus the story got draggeddd. I dropped it but re read it since there was an ending. The ending was super rushed and the whole story after season 1 got complicated and messy. Why did minyuk get a backstory so damn late in this story I stopped caring about all the characters tbh, im normally super attached.

Im happy theres a a happy ending but overall this story is ok at best

Ginyuuu created a topic of Thirst

Finally back

Ginyuuu created a topic of Full volume

Does anyone have links to raw?

Ginyuuu created a topic of Full volume

Y’all I neef this webtoon to stay

Ginyuuu created a topic of Full volume
Ginyuuu created a topic of Finder

I wish we got more consistent updates

Ginyuuu like topic of Blind Play

We should just mass report her account

I actually don’t know why I’m still reading this. It’s just porn but I can’t stop reading it haha

Ginyuuu created a topic of Legs That Won't Walk

Stupid cliffhanger, I need to know more