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KilluaZoldyck created a topic of Eunsoo's Good Day

Daghana diay og Filipino dri oi WHAHAHAHAHAHA

KilluaZoldyck asked a question

What's the other title of ginger and the cursed prince?-

I almost cried when i read the 'summer vacations were supposed to be fun' parti miss em two

KilluaZoldyck asked a question

Recommend meh some manga/manwha/manhua with a good father and daughter relationship or a male mc ples i have nothing to read rn

KilluaZoldyck asked a question

Can anyone recommend me a manwha where the mc(villainess or not) has a good sibling/brother relationship?

A pure eros comic serialization about a younger Super Darling seme x Beautiful Teacher!!“Taiga-kun...

  • Author: Asou mika
  • Genres: Yaoi / Romance / School Life

Ngl they look like boy versions of yuri and natsuki. i a monster for liking warm milk?-

KilluaZoldyck asked a question

Someone recommend me a yaoi where they're a switch

KilluaZoldyck created a topic of Robber x lover

I'm still sad about the part where they didn't show 'it'but at least i got endless wholesomeness

who tf keeps on updating but later deletes it,Stop it please we just wanna read

KilluaZoldyck asked a question

Someone recommend me a good sibling relationship shoujo manga plz

KilluaZoldyck asked a question

Anyone know the other title for trouble honey days/honey trouble?i can't find it here,Or is it not uploaded here yet???-

KilluaZoldyck asked a question

Here i again asking for questions lmao-
Does anyone know a shounen ai manga i read it a long time ago and i can't find it and i also forgot the title.
The mc was a thief and was kinda disguised as fox??(he had black hair and kinda looked like girl),When a 'weak' prince suddenly came in to their bar the mc tried to seduce him by dressing up as a girl and drugging the prince,This and that happened till the prince poisoned the mc and he was left weak while the other escaped.The mc looked for him and tried getting revenge while looking for the antidote.
That's all i could explain for now cause its 1am and i can't think properly☆(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*

KilluaZoldyck created a topic of Tiger Flower

Claude 2.0
Claude but bitcher