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MeMi created a topic of Thirst

Does anyone remember why they're hunting the vampires or has that not been revealed yet?

MeMi created a topic of Thirst

If you look up the Authors Insta it'll tell a lot what many may feel is blurred lines.

There's a particular Ah-hem couple-some they wrote involving all these characters at once ... ╥﹏╥

Umm just something to pass along.

Instagram: Art_asami

MeMi created a topic of Thirst

Ethan slept with Sebastián for awhile or every once and awhile and he's older than Ethan. I remembered Sebastián saying he was trusted by his father Ira to protect him. So that mean he watched him grow up....

MeMi created a topic of Thirst

I know most ppl probably don't like Wren and his actions and I'm not gone say I don't understand because I do.

And I'm actually not about to comment what someone expects...

But I wasn't expecting Wren to be adequately sized
I just knew he was a shrimp!

MeMi created a topic of Thirst

Now, I wasn't expecting that.

I feel like the person to blame is Tristan. He told you to leave! Don't act fucking dumb! You saw how he reacted when he turned sideways.

Also give him some damn pants!

He had to put his dick on the screen for you to get it?! Like Tristan you can read cue signs better than that! Tf?

MeMi created a topic of Thirst

Imma about to comment some very uncomfortable words.

*Trigger Warning Some uncomfortable truths about sexual assault. Please read at your discretion.

I wanna know if you can be tortured and tied down and told these terrible things on a daily basis.

Oh the on top of that raped for 10 years, with a sicko learning your body, because your body response to touch and its not always mental stimulation that is required to take you there.

Very similar to how Tickling someone to death was a real thing. A person actually doesn't find it amusing its a natural body response

Some rapist feel like because the person got hard, wet, and ejaculated that it isnt rape or that the person actually likes it. Or that their justified because they person raped still got a release so to say.

Then for the Uncle to do all these things and learn how to trigger his body, as well as mentally rot his mind, then make him addicted to his blood.

And the fact that Wren has to live with his how his body responses to him and the insatiable cravings he gets from being once again by forced by being chemically attached to him.

Most ppl would've killed themselves by now and Wren hasn't to protect Tristan in the best way he knows how. By staying in the situation in hopes it keeps him safe.

Do you know how bad he probably had to dissociate to deal with that for a love one? How bad he had to let his mental state go to convince himself to stay? This was what he had to endure for him.

He literally was unconscious for who know how long on a damn table strapped down and when he came to tortured again? Then the uncle does absolutely whatever to him knowing he doesn't die, age, and now is addicted to him and is trying to manipulate him to betraying Tristan and Ethan.

And what is he suppose to do when he is sickly connected to that man?

He told Tristan the true even if he didn't say everything and got on his knees and asked him to kill him. You can't tell me he didn't really mean that in that situation. He probably prayed for it.

And ppl expect Wren to still be right in the head?It's a miracle he's somewhat coherent. And we can clearly see his battling within himself for he still loves Tristan. And that's who he went through all this for.

Its a surprise he does despise Tristan or didn't kill him. Slaved by Tristan Father for who knows how long, then save the kid that has the face of his slave owner because he saw an innocent child instead of the child of a monster.

Then slaved again by that child's uncle? To keep him safe?

It's a surprise once again he doesn't hate Tristan and everyone in his family line. For it is the very reason he had suffered for so long. Tristan and his family. It's almost a cruel curse to love the son and nephew of your torturers and continue to be tortured for him.

Now you tell me if you could you survive the life of Wren and still be as resilient as he as best as he can? With all he knows and is faced with?

I bet most of you can't say yes. I know I can't....

Look I'm loving the guys and Nadrika will always be top tier #1. But the way I would eat Eclat alive don't make no sense. I mean soul snatch him then I'll line the train up for the rest.

MeMi created a topic of Thirst

That's so nasty and disgusting. I could stomach the scene it made me feel ill.

Poor Wren is caught by a predator and is being tortured mentally, physically, and emotionally.

MeMi created a topic of Thirst

I think he may have like lost himself. He was torture for a very long time then made to depend on his torturer. His mental state may be just to be free of such pain. And he's brainwashed into thinking this is his only way out..

I'm not saying this is the true I'm just speculating.

MeMi created a topic of Thirst

I'm here for it. Why can't we have them both?

MeMi created a topic of The Princess' Jewelry Box

Its so many fine men in this story. Outside of our jewels. I can't wait until yall get to see them..

MeMi created a topic of The Princess' Jewelry Box

The swordmanship teacher

MeMi created a topic of Queen Cecia's Shorts

Let Me Take Care Of You.

MeMi created a topic of Chitra Webtoon
MeMi created a topic of Yeonwoo's Innocence

How you tell your bestfriend that based off how YOU see it he not a good match for her. When tf did it become about You when it her life? Its okay to give opinions but the way she said it was like I know better for you and my opinions is your life. Like Ma'am back tf up. Also I agree he's not what you see with her but it's her choice!

MeMi created a topic of Untouchable Lady

I have read alot of books and manga but I have to say I haven't read about a man who loves Hilise the way he does. That man loves her unconditionally! I literally cried and was moved emotional.

MeMi like topic of Untouchable Lady

GABRIELLE Is A Demon. Like Wow. They Need To Get Rid Of Her Fast.