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BBOONG followed question about question
1 hours
BBOONG followed question about question

I need some recommendations for sites where I can read and download books for free about from the zee, even for movies, series(all series from western to Asian) anime, any cool pirate site really

15 hours
BBOONG answered question about question
Happy pride babes!!! I'm a uke!!!ლ(´ڡ`ლ)
BBOONG answered question about question
friendship isn't just about you one-sidedly putting efforts to establish. the lowlife men around you never genuinely think of 'being friends with you', the only thought in their single digit neuron sponge brains is 'being friends with a girl'. and you know what's the definition of a girl to them.
BBOONG like the answer
i dont think i need to say itnumbers speak for themselves
BBOONG add 1 photos to djdnjdnjw
BBOONG answered question about question
idk the name of any animation studio other than mappa or ghibli(if that counts) but there's this one i fucking hate but idk the name, it's the studio behind The Titan's Bride, Reincarnated Into Demon King Evelogia's World, Carressing The Tits of My Hibernating Bear anime adaptations. 5 fucking epsiodes of 5 minutes for each fucking anime like wtf??......
BBOONG answered question about question
yo this place is mostly filled with incels so no one's gonna want to answer you, but you can search it up on youtube or idk ask on reddit, i've seen videos or discussions interviews of this type of question on media. you'll have better luck there.
BBOONG answered question about question
alpha x alpha ofc buuuut alpha x omega is the real deal when it's alpha bottom, omega top brrrrr
BBOONG answered question about question
i dont think it's that easy to jer off that many times at once. i suggest u divide, for example follow ur pee scheduale. u can jerk off thrice in a row after waking up, then jerk off thrice before u go to bed. that's the pee for me at least. but in the middle, u can jerk when u shower too. be moderate, it's not about being healthy, it's about enjoy......
BBOONG followed question about can't remember name of yaoi

Literally posting for nth time, help I forgot its name it was a yaoi Japanese manga the MC was having a bit of difficult time accepting MLs feeling and there's MCs office coworker who was bit promiscuous manipulating him against the ML that he should not accept or love him as LOVE is not worth it , but then he actually falls for the 2nd ML who was ......

25 days
BBOONG answered question about question
chile u both will forget it the next time u meet
BBOONG answered question about question
teleportation but from one dimension to other. eg i can teleport to roses and champagne and fuck tsar ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ
BBOONG answered question about question
crocodiles and alligators. especially their head dish. like wtf my bro they're supposed to eat YOU, not YOU eating my bro but it's so damn sad that so many ppl still eat them... seeing ppl eating goat, cow heads in local restaurants in the worst... this shits shouldnt be this common!!!!!
BBOONG answered question about question
Ass. Hairy ass to be precise.(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ Boobs good too but must be a package with ass (and good tummy is bonus) Sauce: some Aladdin DJ, precious mail 1 & 4 by Ducka
BBOONG answered question about question
HENRY CAVILL CREAMPIED HIS GF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARRRRFFFFFFFFFFFFGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH NAURRRRRRRRRRRRRRR MY DADDYYYYYYYYYYYYYY THAT'S SUPPOSED TO BE MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! I'll make him pay for breaking my heart so giving u more news in advance, british actor henry cavill is pregnant with triplets and he nourishes our children with milk while us......
BBOONG answered question about your opinions