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1. Obsessive Fujoshis *Normally I have no problem with them but when they do stuff like sexualize mlm in real life it peeves me because they're not yaoi they're humans with emotions. Countless people in the mlm community have spoken out on fujoshis and how they make them uncomfortable. 2. The ones who start unneeded drama * A really good example w......
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When they complain about the existence of dark, psychological and angst storylines involving couples. I mean, discussing something is fine, but if you start throwing a tantrum at everyone who reads because of their own reasons (drawings, plot, characters, etc) you're just unnerving. Like they were complaining about a bloody scene in a mainly dark/d......
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1. People who decide that no one can critisize or say anything bad about "their" manga, as if the comments are only there for good opinions instead of all opinions, including negative. They have the audacity to say that. 2. When people understandably point out how bad rape is glorified, then some people are like "GtFo, YoU sHoULd'Ve rEaD ThE TaGs......
CheapReader says:

This site is confusing me so much i swear