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BroForeverAfter created a topic of 1 to 10

As I was reading this manhwa, something about the characters felt so familiar and then it just hit me that the designs of the main characters remind me of Blanca and Sing from Banana Fish and now I can't stop reading their dialogues from their voices lol

BroForeverAfter followed a list

List of yaoi with possesive seme's who aint carin 4 sharin

17 02,2024
BroForeverAfter followed a list

All these mangas have situations where seme acts too 
arrogantly, cruel, nasty or misunderstands uke and this leads 
to their ukes leaving,rejecting or hating them. These are yaoi that 
revolves around semes who realises they were 
ASSHOLES, they deal with the CONSEQUENCES…
and their 
#Satisfying stories only

16 09,2023