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Fancy Idiot answered question about get to know you
The ending of Chasing Tails was disappointing. Like, it started with a great mystery, but the fact that there was only 1 culprit and it wound up being the schizophrenic guy, it just felt like a cop out from a much older work. I still think Taeyeon should have been an accomplice, would have made the mystery more interesting. Overall, it just became......
Fancy Idiot answered question about question
Here are some of the books that I've loved or enjoyed over the years, there's definitely more, but I think these are great
Fancy Idiot answered question about question
Grape flavored stuff is good (including grape flavored medicine, I loved it as a kid)

Tell me your favorite shows or movies, I'm almost done with Breaking Bad and want to figure out what to watch next. Can be from any country or genre Y'all should check out El Chavo del 8, btw

Fancy Idiot answered question about falling inlove
Dragon lover forever, dragons are a 10000/10 mythical beast. Always have loved dragons and always will, ever since I was a kid.
Fancy Idiot answered question about your opinions
I've got quite a couple -childhood friends to lovers. I don't know, I usually find them boring -Crown prince love interest. They get on my nerves somehow -Naive protagonists who are only meant to be cute and have no character beyond how pure and innocent they are -when a character and their love interest are both blond or both redheads. They look l......
Fancy Idiot answered question about question
December Rain had a pretty decent plot but I had to drop it due to how the noses looked kept bothering me.
Fancy Idiot answered question about watch anime
While I saw it totally depends on the person's likes, I think Naruto, Ohshc, and Dragon Ball are pretty good for starters, considering how they're pretty well known and are relatively easy to get into, though they're pretty basic recs.
Fancy Idiot answered question about question
Finish the cross stitching project that's been unfinished on my table since 4 months ago.
Fancy Idiot followed question about question

Mine is 2 get ripped and gain a 12 inch dick (=・ω・=)

01 01,2024