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Sagobaba created a topic of Jinx

Okay, I know that many people will disagree with me, but here I go anyway:
I don't really understand why everyone is saying that Jaekyung is all bad and been bad every chapter up til now. Because from what I can see he has only truly been bad in chapter 34, 37 and 45. Otherwise he's just been rough when it comes to sex and he's been a little harsh with his words. And I think that him being harsh with his words is just him being afraid of his own feelings and guarding himself. It seems to me that he has been through something horrible in the past that has made him act this way now. And I believe we're gonna see that part of his past very soon.
I'm not saying that it makes his actions okay, but it makes his actions understandable in some way.

Anyway, I was thinking about going into detail when it comes to the latest chapter (45) but I don't really feel like doing that now because I'm tired (and lazy). So, I'm just gonna keep it short by saying that I find it interesting how Jaekyung reached for Dan's gift and even opened it to take a look at it. To me, that feels like he actually wanted the gift or atleast was interested in it. Because otherwise he could have easily just dismissed it right away. It was only when he found out about Dan's side hustle that he got mad.