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BakaOujo created a topic of Neighbor's Rice Cake

The seme's inner monologue is so funny!! Hahahahahaa but i'm proud of him when he said he actually wanted to become a better person for his hyung!

BakaOujo created a topic of Steel Under Silk

These small funny moments are so cute.
It's the calm before the storm.
And my heart is made out of straw.
I just know i'm gonna be destroyed after this.

BakaOujo created a topic of A Trace Of Margins

This story reminds me of Palace of Bardo... Except in that story, the seme actually changed for the better in their next life!

But here, i feel that the seme is actually Narye but hiding and manipulating behind that fake kindness he shows. Idk if he also knows about his past life but he's still feels sus to me.

BakaOujo created a topic of Part-Time Partner


Kyuho's lewd face is so sexy ;A;

BakaOujo created a topic of Be My Baby



BakaOujo created a topic of Stranger in the Mirror

The story is so messy. Can we please focus on one or two plots? Also i miss Soho my baby, i don't really care for this second couple (cat-killing mf damn him)

BakaOujo created a topic of Slammer Dogs

Oh boy, you're dead.

BakaOujo created a topic of High School Boy

Hehehe the latest chapter was so cute! You should just eat that bread coz the seme is busy fighting for his dear life at this point lol


BakaOujo created a topic of Gig of the Day


I like how Yeomin isn't obsessive over Taeseo lol and Taeseo is just at loss for words over this HAHAHAHA let's see who gets clingy now

BakaOujo created a topic of Superstar From Age 0

I'm reading the novel now (currently at chapter 286), and finally seeing our blessed Christmas baby angel Seojunnie drawn in the manhwa feels so special!!

BakaOujo created a topic of Superstar From Age 0

Yay it's back!!! Seojun you cutie baby!!!! ♡(˃ દ ˂ ༶ ) Please i pray for regular chapter release!! It's so good!

BakaOujo created a topic of Kiraide Isasete

I need 103947391011 more chapters please. Thank you.

BakaOujo created a topic of Kill Me If You Can

Oh my god HIS REAL FAMILY!!!!!!!!!!!

BakaOujo created a topic of Dark Fall

Author, get a hold of yourself pleaseeeeeee!!! We just want more of the plot than the fwop fwop (╥﹏╥)

BakaOujo created a topic of Gig of the Day

You got yourself a precious cinamon bun cutie pie!!!!!! And you should start treating him right!!!!!

BakaOujo created a topic of Neighbor's Rice Cake

This chapter was so cute but so short aaahhhh