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Kriss created a topic of Stigma (Doo Down)

I feel bad for Yi-Hyun and the MC. They’re besties, and the MC needs that right now. The MC should be able to work and talk to his bff without the ML’s permission. He’s stripping away all of the uke’s autonomy and forcing him to remain confined to their home as his sex toy. That’s unhealthy, mentally and physically. The MC is already super stressed, and I don’t see it getting any better if the seme continues on with this shit.

I hope someone uploads the extra.

Kriss created a topic of Touch Up

I’m trying not to start any more ongoing series, but this is calling to me.

Kriss created a topic of Alpha no Chouinshiki

It’s been 6 months...

Kriss created a topic of Hellen

The seme is hot af with and without his glasses.

Kriss created a topic of Flip the script

He should’ve just picked a couple of pretty little bottoms to fuck around with, tbh. Why put up with that sadist when you don’t have to? I mean, his brother did already have his next murder attempt planned out, so he was in kind of a rush to find someone, but still.

Kriss created a topic of Backlight

The character designs are so hot. I just wish the plot wasn’t so predictable. Hopefully there are some twists in the future. I at least want the uke to stop being so naive and gullible.

Kriss created a topic of Stigma (Doo Down)

“I did the brushy-brush!” So cute.

I hate seeing the seme with his son, tbh. Nothing he does seems sincere including playing with his son. Yeah, he just met him, so there’s no true bond yet, but I still don’t like his vibe. It screams insincere. He’s told the uke multiple times that they’re not just playing house, but that’s exactly how it comes off. Fake.

Kriss created a topic of Steel Under Silk

I love the seme. He’s such a vibe. He’s cool and calm with sense, not batshit insane like some of y’all dumb ass faves.

Kriss created a topic of A Secret Romance Between Us

Y’all call anyone a fucking red flag, and some of you do it while having the reddest fucking flags in your pfp…lol And I don’t know where the “playboy seme” shit is coming from when it’s been stated since chapter one that the seme doesn’t date or sleep around with any of the women in the school. That’s why the uke’s friend kept implying that the seme was impotent. Yeah, he’s lying about his experience level, same as the uke, but he hasn’t done anything red flag worthy. I wish you mfers would just go on over to Jinx or something instead of trying to turn this manhwa into something that it’s not.

Kriss created a topic of Stigma (Doo Down)

He has to be jealous of the childhood friend. He must think they’ve been fucking. No other reason for him to be pushing so hard for him to quit his job.

Kriss created a topic of Off Track

Isn’t there another new-ish BL centered around a racer/racing? Does anyone know the name?

Edit: I think it was named skid mark, but they changed it to something else. lol

Kriss created a topic of Within My Shadow

This short ass chapter… and what happened in bed? He stopped breathing? Held his breath? Seemed to scare the seme enough to let him go to school. Idk.

Kriss created a topic of Hajimete no Real

Ah, I read this a few days ago. Part 2 is on MRM.

Kriss created a topic of I Wont Accept Your Regrets

Is the Korean version of this completed? If not, how behind is the official English version. I want to start this, but I won’t if there are like 100 more chapters to go.

Kriss created a topic of Stigma (Doo Down)

I see that I’m not the only one who skipped over the smut. I’m ready for the plot to move forward too.

Kriss created a topic of Full volume

Dojin’s intense jealousy is stupid and doesn’t even make sense. It would be different if Taeju entertained the idea of dating Dowon for even a second, but he didn’t. Dowon was immediately turned down and embarrassed in front of everyone. They weren’t besties, they weren’t teammates, they weren’t even in the same graduating year. They were barely acquaintances. They were basically just two popular kids at the same high school.

I do hope we get to see Dowon find out and react to Dojin’s jealousy.

Kriss created a topic of Stigma (Doo Down)

I’m already tired (and bored) just thinking about the uke’s new life as the seme’s onahole.

Kriss created a topic of Pop One's Cherry

The official English version is so far behind. The Korean version comes back from hiatus on January 22nd. Y’all are just gonna have to check out the raws if you don’t feel like waiting.