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Georgia Dragneel created a topic of Lone Swan Webtoon

Do they kiss at least at some point? I have already read to chapter 33

Georgia Dragneel created a topic of My Bad Painkiller

The story was rushed, and there was room for some more details and more depth to the story. But overall I really liked it.

Georgia Dragneel add manga to list action

The master stood at attention and saluted: Now that you are my disciple, you must obey me. Tell me, ...

  • Author: vigor comic
  • Genres: Comedy / Yaoi
Georgia Dragneel created a topic of Black Mirror

What's the point in them going insane together?

Georgia Dragneel created a topic of Androgynous

The second story was the best and really sweet

It's so annoying that everyone keeps interrupting the two of them And when is Etiene planning on telling the truth to Rishar? Its so annoying when it drags on☠