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hqztx.qlx created a topic of Darling for dessert

Hey,hey,hey,hey his so obsessed with him BYE

hqztx.qlx created a topic of Full volume

Help i thought they were rlly having sex on train

hqztx.qlx created a topic of Willow love story

"hOw DarE YoU HuRt HiM! GeT ThE HeLL OuT Of My TerRitOrY, YoU FilThY VeNoMoUS RACE

hqztx.qlx created a topic of Chaotic Desire

Um excuse me but, i kinda don't like the pink guy for some reason

hqztx.qlx created a topic of Shingeki no Kyojin


hqztx.qlx created a topic of Hey, Prince!
hqztx.qlx created a topic of Runway Hit
hqztx.qlx created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

Bye the boss looks so handsome but its a waste

hqztx.qlx created a topic of Your wish is my command

Holy shit hwa u fcking ok??

hqztx.qlx created a topic of Antidote

This manhua is like the anime i watched! Which is chinese too, their so similar and the names too! Also the name is "Jie Yao"