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lin created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

no way he is 21 ill kms rn
AND HIS FACE HAHSJWJEJ nah once you became an adult being late feels like dying ….

lin add 1 photos to Funny
lin created a topic of Pink to Habanero

Ofc she likes her SHE IS SO SILLY no ONE COULD EVER MAKE ME HATE OR DISLIKE HER I don’t even care who she ends up with I just want her happiness

lin created a topic of Form of Sympathy

guys they are gaslighting me were they really that toxic??? Uhh…. I am not so sure now…. Maybe….

lin created a topic of Worth the Wait

they lost me at the I don’t want you to feel alone babies

lin created a topic of Worth the Wait

Me 24/7

lin created a topic of HIGH CARD -♢9 No Mercy

Percy is so cute awww

lin add 1 photos to adorable


lin created a topic of 40 Made ni Shitai 10 no Koto

Yessss the angst I deserve

lin created a topic of Sasaki to Miyano

wow the extra/au has its own slow burn I am amazed

Art style here > also i feel like the black hair guy is a stranger to the story but i dont know if thats because the author hasn’t revealed a lot from him yet on purpose or if i just missed something

this is actually how my inmer monologue looks like at my worst

ayo they are messing with my brain i wish love was real So unfair

lin created a topic of No Moral


lin created a topic of Yatara yarashii fukami kun

haha silly i think you translated that wrong where’s the part where they happy ? Hahahhahahahaha I’ll go insane .

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lin created a topic of Love in Orbit

I don’t know how long I’ll keep repeating myself fuck the fucking ugly dad he is so stupid I was so happy to see both of them confessing and then his ugly hace appeared omg Can he explode

lin created a topic of Don’t Say You Love Me

NOOOOO stop i hate when children cry it makes me emotional

i am so delusional about this part of the plot like I don’t even get stressed I have this blind faith everything will be ok (or else…)