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Yue Sama created a topic of Devil on Top


Yue Sama created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

Anybody knows or has the link to the raws please?????

Yue Sama created a topic of Comes In Threes
Yue Sama created a topic of Young Master
Yue Sama created a topic of Slammer Dogs

My prediction is that it will end with the bottom having a relationship with both of them.

Yue Sama created a topic of One Summer Day

OK. I'm off to read Signs for the tenth time!

Yue Sama created a topic of Jinx

Well, you are shit. I've been reading some theories about what's gonna happen then, but I think he's gonna go after Dan. His pride won't allow it. I feel like if he tracks him down, he's just gonna guilt Dan into paying the debt to force him back once his grandma dies. If the granny dies, Dan will fall into dispair.

Yue Sama created a topic of Define The Relationship

The real you? You mean the one craving and thirsting for Lyle over and over again? You mean the one who wants to mark and declare Lyle as his? You mean the one who wants everyone to know that Lyle belongs to you?..... Really? That's not you Ash?

Yue Sama created a topic of Can't Think Straight

Jae, is the person uploading the two chapters. We can send them messages telling her to delete them.

Yue Sama created a topic of Can't Think Straight

I honestly didn't even finish reading ch 58. And I don't think people will read it. So please, just take them down.

Yue Sama created a topic of Can't Think Straight

Why are they uploading trashy translations again?!!!! Seriously.. Delete these two chapters.. We are all waiting for Juju. How disrespectful

Yue Sama created a topic of Fake Romance

I'm thinking about reading this story... Would you recommend it? What are your thoughts about it? Is it worth it or is it a waste of time? I'll read you!!

Yue Sama created a topic of Puppy Love

Did he punch him???!!!! Did he??????

Yue Sama created a topic of Neighbor

Uploader!!!! Please don't drop this project... I NEED to see it to the end!!! I hate everyone on this story, but this is damn intriguing I just need to know how everyone's ending.

Yue Sama created a topic of Bad Friend

I'm not crying!!!!! This is just a natural reaction to beautiful stories with happy endings!!! I'm gonna miss them soooo much... I love them

Yue Sama created a topic of Puppy Love
Yue Sama created a topic of Rix Vanus

And Rix became immortal!!!!! I need side stories!!!!!!!!

Yue Sama created a topic of Eiffel Tower at Sunset