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Mangago Confessions asked question about confession

“ i am animalsexual “ > I think you mean ‘clinically insane.’ No, seriously, get some help. ● ● ● ● ● ● ● “ i really want someone just to come up at me and say "go kill yourself ugly ass bitch, you're worthless go slit your wrist" omfg it turns me on so much i want to suck their dick or pussy gender dont matter ” > um.......

Mangago Confessions asked question about confession

“ but sometimes when I see annoying little kids at the store I wonder what would happen if I just beat them to death “ > that... is not healthy. please seek help * * * “ i started watching/reading yaoi/shounen ai when i was 7. i discovered it when i was searching for some animes the first yaoi/shounen ai is "junjou romantica". i am current......

Mangago Confessions asked question about confession

“ I had sex with my straight friend in the 4th grade she's straight still, but idk if she forgot about it or naw…” > 4th? Sweetheart, i don’t think you had sex. the line between what counts as sex and what doesn’t is very blurred when you’re a 9-10 year old. * * * “ I got high in church ” > You are not seeing the pearly gates.......

Mangago Confessions asked question about confession

anonymously confess to anything using this google forums link :)