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Ri/3y created a topic of Love Shuttle

That French politician was honestly so real for this ┑(▰˘◡˘▰)┍

Ri/3y created a topic of Stay With Me

yaaaaaayy communication we love to see characters who can actually talk to each other rather than jumping to conclusions and immediately believing creepy manipulative bitches.

Ri/3y created a topic of Jinx

Bro no amount of sad backstory could make me feel even the slightest amount of empathy for that bitch JK like fuck your sad childhood where your parents didn't love you I could care less sorry ¯_(ツ)_/¯ but also not sorry bitch

Ri/3y created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

I hate the usage of the word rizz irl but I think I hated it even more in this ( ⊙ᴗ⊙)

Ri/3y created a topic of Backlight

damn all my man wanted to do was eat literally

Ri/3y created a topic of Stay With Me

I knew that bitch should have just opened his mouth and told him right then instead of waiting like (︶︿︶) why wait when you know your crazy weirdo brother always goes around talking shit and starting stuff

Ri/3y created a topic of Jinx

Real question has Dan ever been happy because I've been trying to think of a moment when he was happy for more than like 5 seconds and I seriously can't think of one instance.

Ri/3y created a topic of Jinx

mingwa def has something against Dan cause the treatment he is getting compared to every other character is CRAZY, potato needs to come through so hopeful this man Dan can breathe for one second

Ri/3y created a topic of The Abyss

Are the proportions and the art style in this story absolutely crazy??? Yes, was I also dogging on this story when I saw the memes about the art style??? Also yes, but now that I read it I do kinda want to know how it would end. ┗( T﹏T )┛

Ri/3y created a topic of 1 to 10

Did not expect the full on head shoot of well his head???

Ri/3y created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

i'm gnawing at the iron bars of my enclosure slowly losing it because of all the spoilers and no new chapter posted yet (⊙◡⊙ )

Ri/3y created a topic of Gig of the Day

what is this finna play... WHOA Σ(⊙□⊙ ) bro put that thing away before you hurt someone damn

Ri/3y created a topic of Jinx

They way I would've yelled SOLD like I was on deal or no deal and left that bitch JK faster than a Karen trying to find the manager and lived my best life betraying that bitch ass is crazy.ヾ(☆▽☆)

Ri/3y created a topic of Jinx

Dan better than me I would've sold that bitch out for 2 pennies and a Kit Kat (●'◡'●) like I wouldn't have even felt bad or nothing

Ri/3y created a topic of Yours to Claim

Honestly I feel like everyone already collectively knew Jooin was gonna end up with Yahwi like bffr complicated bad boys always wins (︶︿︶)

Ri/3y asked a question

Where do people read the actual novels for the stories/manhwa like I've seen people talk about the novels but I don't know where to read them??? ┗( T﹏T )┛

Ri/3y created a topic of Myungtae, You Little Rascal!

I feel like so many miscommunications in stories could really be avoided if the characters just talked to each other for like 5 minutes... like why do they think jumping to conclusions is a good idea JUST ASK ┗( T﹏T )┛

I feel like a cartoon prisoner in a cell carving tally marks into the wall waiting for this to come back. ||||

Ri/3y created a topic of Hwang Young's Misery

Bro this got me questioning if he's really that bad like I think i'm getting Stockholm syndrome to like Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)

Ri/3y created a topic of Jinx

What if Jumin fucks up Jaekyung then him and Dan run away together and live a happy non-toxic life together while JK suffers from shame and despair. ヾ(♡▽♡)