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danwoo this , danwoo that
taehan needs this pink 12 inch hello kitty strap on, imma impregnatee this nigga somehow TRUST

myballsinyomouth created a topic of 1 to 10

like not even a hello or how are you, just i need that dick before i go crazy this is wild

myballsinyomouth answered question about question
hopefully my dream of being a doctor works out, studying for it took years off my lifespan so i hope it atleast works out
myballsinyomouth created a topic of Jinx
myballsinyomouth created a topic of CUFFED!

saying that as if he wasnt pounding homies ass less than 24 hours ago

myballsinyomouth created a topic of Take Off (Jui)

why is his dick so big omg im crying

myballsinyomouth created a topic of His Biggest Fan

literally anything and everything these days have to include blackmail or rape lmfao

myballsinyomouth created a topic of Chiguha Kuna Kisu

literally just so adorable ugh i love this

in CLASS? like you couldnt wait until home or?? literally ass up on a Thursday afternoon LMFAOOO

myballsinyomouth created a topic of Pearl Boy

the ending made me cry ermmm this story had its ups and downs and was lowkey disappointed with the ending i thought they would just live happily together, not die happily together 6/10 story but wtv

myballsinyomouth created a topic of Jinx

well , it was gonna happen at some point just didnt think it’d be this soon

myballsinyomouth created a topic of Jinx

the same thing happened in bj alex and now this one , im fucking crying

myballsinyomouth created a topic of Cry Me a River


myballsinyomouth created a topic of Dear Door

did he just get more buff over time

myballsinyomouth created a topic of Jinx

same old cliche shit over and over again and jaekyung not getting any better