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Sung Jin-woo♡'s feed

I might actually drop this because I loved this manga thinking there wasn’t going to be any annoying romance in it. Yea, I was fine with the girls showing some affection towards him, but now Tess is taking it too far. Apparently, Arthur will become weak and soft because of Tess which is why I might drop this, especially the fact Tess kissed him without consent. I like strong and sometimes op characters, but if my boy Arthur is about to become weak and soft because of some girl(s) that he won’t reject, Imma stop reading this. Also, before anyone attacks me about Tess and her feelings, this is my opinion and I know it’s normal for kids that are Tess’s age to have feelings for other people, but please respect my opinion. Thank you for your time ( ̄∇ ̄")