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Axxenx's experience ( All 1 )

Axxenx 21 01,2021
F*cking my partner on the closet .. It's kinda weird but I found it was hot.. Lol   reply
21 01,2021

Axxenx's answer ( All 2 )

I'll just standing in front of the mirror and thinking what should I do..   reply
21 01,2021
Heyyyy Alpha... Lol I'm omega and I'm not surprise   reply
21 01,2021

Axxenx's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did question

nah idk what everyone else is saying but these were wild times frr....

10 hours
did got an online lover

it was horrible

1 days
did got an online lover

He was 28 and I was 13I got gr00medlearned my lesson tho

1 days