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heekkie created a topic of Perfect Buddy
heekkie created a topic of Rivalry

i thought they were done after every white panel that showed up but they were just getting started fr

heekkie created a topic of PASSION

1…2…Ilay’s coming for you

heekkie created a topic of Dead man Switch
heekkie created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon
heekkie created a topic of Thirst
heekkie created a topic of Rivalry


heekkie created a topic of Perfect Buddy


heekkie created a topic of Liveta

71 chapters in and no confession is wild

heekkie created a topic of Willow love story

idk what century i thought they were in but when i saw a car i almost fainted when he said let’s go for a drive i was imaging horses and carriages LMAO

heekkie created a topic of 1 to 10

everytime he starts running i burst out laughing

heekkie created a topic of Between Fate And Fortune

everyone looks so similar can we please get different hair colors

heekkie created a topic of High Clear

every chapter it’s so awkward between them bless

heekkie created a topic of Thirst
heekkie created a topic of Rivalry

aw they’re both still learning about eachother it’s so cute

heekkie created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

read the upcoming chapters and seth gets shot out of the sky……????