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fruit want to do ( All 1 )

set something on fire

fruit's experience ( All 0 )

fruit's answer ( All 3 )

whenever i find someone annoying i just wanna push them and stomp them on the face help ;-;   reply
01 03,2021
people and when the end of an ice cream cone becomes soggy   reply
01 03,2021
sagi and i hate overconfident ppl like consider losing sometimes   reply
01 03,2021

fruit's question ( All 1 )

about question
the kind of comment that you have saved on your phone bcs it was so funny/cool/iconic
14 06,2021

People are doing

want to do made true friends

i havent made any friends that lasted for long, they usually tend to drift away whether it be physically or emotionally :')

57 minutes
want to do discord server

Just do it

7 hours
want to do discord server


7 hours