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Good plot(1) 2021-06-04 0

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vitafusion June 24, 2021 9:43 pm

If you read the author's other work you would know that Masaki apparently had genuine feelings for Chiaki, but was so f'd up by his own past that he didn't know how to express them properly and just resorted to the only way he knew how to get people to listen to him, by force.

Cutting your hair after a break up is such a cliché in shoujo manga though, it's kind of laughable that someone as seemingly callous and rough and tumble as Masaki would do such a girly thing to express himself. On the other hand, if he did subconsciously to try to closer resemble Masaki, it's also such a clingy needy action from someone who seems so detached from everyone.

I'm loving the character design here, especially Masaki. Such a paradoxical guy!ヾ(☆▽☆)

    Choso's Voluptuous Tiddies March 5, 2024 7:17 am

    I enjoyed it at first until I realised who he was I couldn't like that rapist get his happy end like no me Idc about his past he did what he did and I just don't think he should've got a happy end icl

vitafusion March 18, 2021 1:58 am

Sorry but like Ah-In's actions make 0 sense.
Almost gets murdered, decides to go back armed with video camera glasses like this dude he barely knows is going to be dumb enough to have body lying around for him.

Sis what?

    Pretty_eyes March 18, 2021 3:39 am

    Not really, like if the killer gets the wind of him being suspicious he might target him
    But everything went south anyways so idc

vitafusion's questions ( All 1 )

vitafusion June 3, 2021 3:41 am

I found a bl on here some time ago where the mc was a secretary to a corrupt politician and his job was to cover things up.

Also the corrupt politician is a lecherous old man who is recently fucking a young twenty some kid.

But the secretary realizes the kid is ***spoiler*** the son of somebody the politician framed, resulting in suicide.

And the kid's goal is to get enough dirt on the politician to ruin his career.

Completely forgot the name, only remember the plot

I FOUND IT: Underskin

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