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i’m on ch. 11 … literally wtf i wish i read the comments before reading the manga

incase anyone wondering, i’m gonna post this once a day PST unless i have free time then like i’ll post 2 ch. ~~ anyway happy reading ppl <33

PigeonOverdose created a topic of Heart pounding

2 chapters left so i might upload one Saturday PST and one Sunday.. unless i can’t sleep then i’ll upload the last two today

PigeonOverdose created a topic of Heart pounding
PigeonOverdose followed a goer
22 07,2021
PigeonOverdose created a topic of Heart pounding

I put the TW a few panels beforehand bc i was like.. where tf do i put this (╥_╥) (╥_╥) (╥_╥) (╥_╥)

PigeonOverdose created a topic of Heart pounding

i already know what happens bc of the spoilers but like, i was on my last straw with this chapter i’d drop it but at this point i’m just uploading for ppl who wanna keep reading

PigeonOverdose created a topic of Heart pounding

There’s 6 chapters left and i’m debating on uploading 3 today and 3 tomorrow

PigeonOverdose created a topic of Heart pounding


yk when i submitted this to the webpage admins, i forgot to list the genre (╥_╥) (╥_╥)

PigeonOverdose created a topic of Heart pounding

i cant find the uncensored version anywhere (╥_╥) (╯︵╰,)

PigeonOverdose created a topic of Heart pounding

it’s so hard trynna make the ss look nice but it’s hard with the dumb iphone

(Expect Spoilers)
There is a flying titan! (╯°Д °)╯╧╧ So cool!
I still cannot believe that, the author gave so many small hints of it over the years, but I figured it was just to show one of the themes, which is freedom from the walls.