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chillychews January 21, 2019 6:47 pm

Hey y'all hoping someone can help me find the name of this manga.

So the entire manga is in color and the characters are fairly well-drawn. The premise of the story is that there's an average guy who's trying to get a girl who's a 10/10. He meets someone who is a dating expert and teaches him exactly what to say and do on dates. And of course, each piece of advice this expert gives works out perfectly. In the end, the average guy does get the girl.

Not sure if this is enough information but I'd really appreciate it if you knew the title!

Thanks :)

chillychews October 24, 2018 1:58 am

Hi y'all,
Does anyone have any idea which manga this image could be from?

Much thanks!

chillychews March 6, 2018 1:09 pm

So the manga is kind of gorey. There's a girl who is really ugly and her whole family and house dies in a fire. Turns out the girl has some sort of magic powers that can make others think she has a beautiful face and body. She tricks all the guys at the school and sometimes forces them to have sex with her. Anyone who does have sex with her seems normal at first but ends up becoming a minion when she wants them to fight for her. The main guy of the manga is new to this town and wants to find out the truth about the girl, how she became this way and how to get rid of her. It's really hard to get rid of her because she's like possessed by some really strong demon or curse.

Anyone got any ideas??

chillychews May 27, 2017 5:26 pm

Hey guys! So I'm on the prowl for this manga that I read a while back. The story begins with a fairly attractive guy who's new in town and starts dating this beautiful girl. The weird thing is that the girl is actually some type of demon who's actually really ugly. She had some backstory where her whole family died in a house fire and she somehow transformed from a normal ugly girl to this crazy beautiful demon. She takes control of guys through sex and basically dominates the whole town. The protagonist dude is some type of exorcist who wants to save everyone from this chick. It sounds absolutely crazy but it's a real manga.


    daynight May 27, 2017 5:46 pm


    CrystalAris May 27, 2017 5:53 pm

    is it ongoing? I don't know the manga but I'd like to fallow ^^

    Anonymous May 27, 2017 6:02 pm

    LOL yah HAHAHA its does sound absoulutely crazy

    Someone May 27, 2017 6:08 pm


    teep May 28, 2017 12:57 am

    Damn. Following.

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