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cyras add 1 photos to hi
cyras add 1 photos to hi
cyras answered question about have an unpopular opinion
Hogu Hagyeongsu. It's just terrible. I tolerated it to see if it would get better, but i dropped it on the, like, 10th chapter/episode
cyras answered question about have an unpopular opinion
i would like an understanding and accepting man with a great education and family that is a very nice and loving person. he would have to want to take care of my children when i have any and he would preferably be a stay at home dad because i would prefer being in control of income.(my dad thinks he's like superior bc he earns money and my mom is s......
cyras answered question about get to know you
Virtuoso ISTP-T very fitting
cyras answered question about get to know you
im a great liar and im good at sprinting through tight crowds. the weird thing is im not very agile and i have a sorta stocky body.
cyras asked question about first yaoi

So everything I've put on this website and discord is basically a lie, all of my answers and trash. I'm actually a quite young girl (I'm not 18 yet) that has, for a very long time, wanted to become a man. For some reason, I just feel like being a man would be better. I crave warmth and love and someone to listen to me because I have no one to talk ......

cyras answered question about first yaoi
i became addicted to porn and manhwa/ua and manga, so i wondered if there was like porn and manhwa/ua and manga combined, and boom, i found yaoi
cyras answered question about question
cyras answered question about things u do when ur sad
i found my sister seducing men online when i was 9 and did nothing about it... she was caught three years later but she did report them to the police after she got their names and faces.
cyras answered question about want to have fudanshi bf
gay af my parents will never know and i will die this way
cyras answered question about want to have fudanshi bf
idk, probably here u are too. and love is an illusion. i dropped both, actually, for some reason
cyras answered question about gay porn i'm not kidding
yaoi. porn makes me really depressed and horny for some reason and i just can't stand it, but yaoi is only images not real people so im fine with it.
cyras answered question about gay porn i'm not kidding
i became addicted to yaoi before i was even a teen. still reading after 10+ years! (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧
cyras answered question about gay porn i'm not kidding
ohmigod your feces aren't directly in the rectum soo yeah. It is still recommended to clean up by pooping and douching if you feel dirty, but douching can be dangerous because it may wash out too much beneficial bacteria.
cyras answered question about confession
there was a used condom in the gym. my gym teacher was a pervert, he would like touch girls and stuff... (gross) so it makes sense
cyras answered question about confession
my mom only slaps my butt if i move too slow. (im a slow worker) if your mom does it out of the blue, it is harassment just tell her to stop or you will call the works with my sister when she randomly hugs me.
cyras answered question about confession
i just have a thing for any violence towards on myself or others...(p≧w≦q)