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monella created a topic of Forget Cleaning!!

Freaky ah

monella created a topic of My Secret Stalker

The way my smile faded

monella created a topic of Lost in the Cloud
monella created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

They are both so fucked up

monella followed a goer
09 05,2024
monella created a topic of The Man Who Can't Taste

This is so good, I’m giggling and kicking my feet.

monella asked a question

I just finished reading Pheromone Shower and I liked the dynamic so much!!

monella created a topic of Afterglow

This only has 3 chapters so far and I love it so so much, I hope it keeps going like this even if the story gets sadder””

monella created a topic of Define The Relationship

That’s crazy huh

monella created a topic of Jinx

I hope grandma didn’t die

monella created a topic of Jinx

I was like “no way a day early??

monella created a topic of Mad Dog

Dude I was so hyped coming here to comment how much I liked this story until I see ppl saying it was horrible, guys I’ll advice you that if you feel you won’t like something, just don’t read it!!! Anyways.. I loved this story, made me giggle

monella created a topic of Jinx

I don’t even enjoy reading this anymore

monella created a topic of Nerd Project

My jaw dropped when i saw him, and is not bc I’m surprised.

monella created a topic of Define The Relationship


monella followed a goer
16 02,2024
monella created a topic of Over Run

This gonna make yall feel a little silly

monella created a topic of Roses and Champagne

I hope yall stop peeping stuff on mangago and go touch some grass today (like fr )

monella followed a goer

I will never get any bitch’s, but at least I have this website 

24 12,2023