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Geese Makky followed a list

-Royalty, King, Queen
-Consort, Concubine 
-Royalty Family
-Prince, Princess
-Noble Family
-Duke, Duchess 
-Marquis, Marchioness
-Earl, Count, Countess
-Viscount, Viscountess
-Baron, Baroness 
-Royal Guard, Knight/Female Knight/
European Ambiance 



31 08,2021
Geese Makky asked a question

Does anyone know the romance manga where two people who hate each other get trapped in a house together until they get married???

Geese Makky add 1 photos to Album

His smile jkdnweiufejnwhoiudwho

Geese Makky answered question about looking for a translator
They both be cute
Geese Makky add 1 photos to Album

:O wadda ya meaaan???? Babes already has had the whole time....