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Imagine how much pain she was in when she was givin birth to this big headed ass midget with a football as a head. That shit prolly stretched out her cooch to a 10 inch diameter. Like imagine being in your forties an your pussy already worn down an loose w/ the years of an 80 yr old.

2024-01-14 04:22 marked
2024-02-07 03:54 marked
this guy mews in his sleep
2024-02-10 01:55 marked

While masturbating? Unless a certain spot is touched no, I had to learn to keep quiet because my sister doesn’t know how to knock and we can’t lock doors in my house, but close to orgasming? Yes, I have to cover my mouth sometimes cause it’s hard to keep quiet

2024-02-11 18:08 marked

im feeling devious today yalls booty not safe

2024-02-11 18:48 marked


2024-02-11 18:49 marked

the weirdest dream I had once was when I finally hit puberty and right after I realized that I am gay. It was so vivid that I still remember this though this happened 8 years ago. I went to the toilet as usual and peed but something was missing. IT WAS MY JAZZBOYJUNIOR THAT WENT MISSING. I got panicked and realized no one was home. I went straight......

2024-05-29 23:30 marked