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jayhwanz created a topic of Vivid 4 Hands

Why is HE doing the chasing when he was the one who was ghosted? I hope jaehee has at least been thinking about him just as much, if not more while they were separated :/

jayhwanz created a topic of Jinx

Can Dan like,,,,grow a spine lmao

jayhwanz created a topic of Secret Inside My Head

interrupting mid confession is insanei’d literally kms

jayhwanz followed a list

Literally what the title says it is. Reviews to come later. Only contains mangas ive read, not an exhaustive list.

If you're looking for shoujo angst, check my other list:

Feel free to suggest more in the comments.

30 12,2023

My jaw literally DROPPED when I saw how the author drew the black character,,,he literally looks like a jim crow caricature. Like is it THAT hard to just draw us normally.

jayhwanz followed a list

Because we all love this trope 
(BL only) 

Each page has my top 10 recs for these categories:
Pg 1 ➼ lighthearted
Pg 2 ➼ dark/heavy
Pg 3 ➼ sexual tension
Pg 4 ➼ slow burn
Pg 5 and beyond ➼ mix of stories
(will periodically shuffle order as I add more ◈ last re-organized 10/07/2023)

**The more extreme/explosive relationships tagged hate to love**

01 10,2023