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Kze's experience ( All 0 )

Kze's answer ( All 2 )

about being gay
TLDR: Bi/Pan female. It's not an exaggeration to say that BL saved me from growing into a homophobe. As a kid I've been raised in a strictly catholic religious country, everything gay or lesbian was an insult, absolutely unimaginable. When my (very open minded in comparison) parents decided to change the country, and I stumbled over shounen ai on......   1 reply
31 01,2021
17 01,2021
But to be fair, yaoi is the gay equivalent of hentai, which means it's usually smut and covers different fetishes. Although I agree that many readers in the yaoi community just go overboard with their seme uke bull, in the end it's porn and it comes on different shapes and forms :B   1 reply
17 01,2021

Kze's question ( All 0 )