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Denki <3 add 1 photos to references

the hair at the very beginning so pretty like quinn's when she had it long

Denki <3 add 1 photos to draw for learning

when he has his thumb to her lip, draw lip shape

Denki <3 add 1 photos to aha ha women
Denki <3 add 1 photos to references
Denki <3 add 1 photos to references

bella's hairstyle

Denki <3 add 1 photos to references

do for bella's hair

Denki <3 add 1 photos to cutie

thats so cute omg

Denki <3 add 1 photos to aha ha men

james, can i be an extra alongside you? <333

Denki <3 add 1 photos to funny

bitch he did that on purpose for u girl lmaoooo

Denki <3 add 1 photos to references

tommy's hair not slicked back

Denki <3 add 1 photos to references