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yoikomi June 20, 2021 5:27 am

OMG I'm literally so upset at his rude behavior. He says worse things later on in the story and it hurts our poor mc I feel so bad for him. He tries his best to not do things he dislikes yet he still hurts him. He basically finds out that his father is running the exhibition and finds out he is Lee seoin. He makes him cry with the harsh words he said. Blonde guy actually knew about how rude he is and wanted mc to open his eyes I guess... As for the black haired guy, he's now giving the mc painting lessons, requested by the blonde guy. This is because he wants them to make up and the mc is their landlord so... I think after seeing how hardworking the mc is when it comes to painting, the black guys view on the mc is shifting a little bit. As for who he ends up with, it's the blonde guy ofc, they've kissed a couple times in later chapters.

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