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Sweet—dreams January 27, 2021 1:49 pm

Today I was searching for good music and found this masterpiece.
Give the creator some love.

Sweet—dreams January 25, 2021 2:37 am

Guys, let me tell you: Yoneda Kou is a master mind and nothing, I repeat, NOTHING is there without sense and I am beyond obsession now. I even made an account just to talk to you about this.
#1 Yahiro and Crow(symbol of good fortune in the myths, also symbol of bad omen. monogamous, crying voice implies going home)
In Chapter 1, Yashiro sings a tune about “light and darkness”, and  compares himself with Kuga. Since crow is a symbol of darkness as well as bad fortune, or the dark side(Yakuza), the crow maybe Yashiro’s self image here.
#2 Domeki and Sibley/Wagtail(symbol for intercourse in the myths)
  According to Japanese mythology, the first gods did not know how to make sexual intercourse until a wagtail flew over and showed them how to move the tail up and down. Yashiro has been trying to Domeki to get hard, like when wagtail showed how to do it. On the other hand, Yashiro was stimulated when he sees Domeki’s face flushed with anger. Not unlike when Yashiro became aware for his lust, after seeing Kageyama cry at the funeral. This is probably a far shot, but Domeki turned Yashiro on without touching, so may be Domeki also acted like the wagtail to Yashiro.
#3 Yashiro and Swallow(genetically polygamous while socially monogamous, male is aggressive and territorial, migratory, highly developed syrinx for twittering, symbol of good luck, also slang for “young lover” )    Swallows are a typical twittering bird. Yashiro doesn’t fire Domeki, but offers him a chance for leave the Yakuza group, and make it clear that he can leave in the future. I’m stretching the imagery, but maybe the twittering bird here is Yashiro, who does fly(flirts), but comes back to Domeki, who doesn’t fly(doesn’t quit/stay loyal).
#4 Yashiro and Owl(symbol for impiety in old times, also symbol for wisdom. solitary, nocturnal)
Domeki and 4 House Sparrows(monogamous, highly developed syrinx for twittering, known for symbiotic relation with humans, symbol for commonness)
  Since Yashiro associates himself with darkness, the owl probably is a metaphor. Also, Yashiro is the clever one, while Domeki is simple minded.
  Now sparrows, are the most typical bird that comes to mind when thinking about “saezuru”(twittering /chirping). So, Domeki here is the “twittering bird” that does not leave Yashiro’s side.
#5 Sparrow <chirping, on 1st Page>
  In Japanese manga or novel, “asa-chun”(chirping in the morning) is a common expression for the morning after a couple spends the night together. Without being explicit about the details, the chirping of the birds(typically sparrows) in the morning implies that the couple made love. Chirping sparrow maybe used as a parody of the “asa-chun”, since they spent the night in the same apartment but not together. On the other hand, the sparrow just landed at the balcony and starts chirping, in other words, it’s a real “twittering bird which doesn’t fly” (only for the moment).
#6 Yashiro and Domeki, Japanese Pheasant on the wall (promiscuous, male protects the territory while female enters multiple territories, pair don’t live together)
Yashiro acts like a female pheasant, making out with guys as he pleases. Domeki, previously unmoved by Yashiro’s outrageous acts in the office, is wearing an angry expression.  
#7 Yashiro and Domeki, watching Japanese Paradise Flycatcher (twitters “moon, sun, star” and also called Three Light Bird)
 Although Yashiro associates himself with “darkness”, Domeki sees Yashiro wrapped in sheen. I noticed Yashiro’s outline is highlighted(esp the hair) when Domeki is watching. (such as: when Domeki first sees Yashiro, first time Yashiro says “don’t tell anyone”, and when Domeki carries Yashiro from the restaurant) I know I’m taking the imagery too far, but when two of them are watching the “three lights” together, Domeki may be thinking of Yashiro, while Yashiro is thinking of something other than himself. Although they are sitting at a porn theater, they seem to be happy to share the warmth, which make it seem like their “first date”.  
#8 Yashiro and Domeki with Vulture in the sky(scrape on other’s catch like a hyaena)
  The birds of prey probably symbolize Yashiro’s misfortune. The chapter is full of darkness, bullets, violence, conflict among the Yakuza sects, even the abuse in Yashiro’s child hood.
 #9 Misumi and Crow on Yashiro’ legs(same as #1)
  Crow maybe the symbol of Yakuza here, since Yashiro is led into the “other side”. Although Yashiro liked to do it with the Yakuza guys, he had no intention to join them until he met Misumi. Also the crow resting on Yashiro’s bare legs reminds you that he’s got sexy legs.
#10 Yashiro and Java Sparrow pecking his feet (common as pet, tame and attached to humans)
  Java Sparrow(Buncho) is another typical bird that twitters/chirps. In this chapter, Yashiro makes a deal with Misumi, and agree to work for him who will act as a boss/lover/guardian/father. Misumi also makes clear that although Yashiro is a “pet” for now, assures freedom once he has power.
#11 Yashiro at sea with Matsudaira‘s Storm Petrels (named after a japanese royalty who discovered the species. The bird only breeds on a remote island in japan, but travels far south up to africa)
This one is difficult for me. The bird is probably a symbol for Doumeki, who will always move back to Yashiro/his island.
#12 Doumeki in a river with Kingfisher (symbol of gods, good luck, calm, peacefulness, patience and fertility, male birds offer its catch to the females during mating season, but after the mating they act independently)
In greek mythology there are Alcyone and Ceyx married. Ceyx was killed, because their love for each other angered Zeus. Morpheus, the god of dreams, came to Alcyone in a dream as Ceyx and told her of his fate. Alcyone was overcome and drowned herself. Domeki almost gets killed in this chapter. Yashiro notices he cannot survive Domekis death.
#13 Red-crowned crane/Japanese crane on Yashiro‘s neck (symbol of fidelity, good luck and love, known for his mating dance, second rarest crane species in the world)
The crane/Domeki‘s love stands on Yashiro‘s neck. He is left speechless and breathless while Domeki blows him off. It is also the first time Domeki starts sexual intercourse with Yashiro.

I‘ve come this far and would like to hear your opinion.

    alqamar January 25, 2021 6:35 am

    Such a great comment! Your comment paints the perfect picture as to how and why the birds in the story have a deeper meaning/connection. You bring up the Red-crowned crane/Japanese crane that rested on Yashiro’s neck, and how this represents Doumeki’s love. This stands out to me so much! Especially since Yashiro’s expression/posture greatly resembles the one he has when him and Doumeki finally “connect’ *wink wink* (

    Looking up the symbolism of Japanese crane, it seems to be the perfect metaphor for their love; “The Japanese Crane is known for having long life and they mate and partner up for life, although they continue to flirt and woo with elaborate dancing and cooing ritual”. I think it’s fair to say, there’s no one else for Yashiro and Doumeki and they are clearly soulmates. In that chapter, it’s the first time Doumeki starts to “lose” control and finally give into his sexual desires for Yashiro. He’s very forward in taking care of Yashiro, something that becomes their own kind of “ritual”. As we know Doumeki continues to do this until the big moment/reveal in chapters 23/24/25.
    I also love the point you brought up about the vulture, I completely agree it acts as a metaphor for all the misfortune that will occur in the following chapters. Vultures also symbolize perception, and Yashiro lets a little thought slip out in chapter 33. Yashiro asks Doumeki how falling in love feels for him, Doumeki shuts that conversation down and explicitly states Yashiro is different from others. Yashiro states falling in love for him hurts, and then directs the conversation to Doumeki’s sister. He states Aoi was lucky for having Doumeki, and then quickly realizes he said so. All these events allow readers to understand the perceptions the characters have. We understand that for Yashiro falling in love is painful, this gives us insight into why he reacts the way he does towards Doumeki’s growing affection and vice versa.

    I think the most heart wrenching part, was when Yashiro remembers the abuse he suffered as a child. He remembers it as he states Aoi was lucky to have Doumeki. Why do I think this relates to the vulture’s symbolism/connection to perception? As readers, we gain a new insight to how Yashiro views the sexual abuse. Of course, we had those panels in chapter 25 where Yashiro remembers the sexual abuse. But in this chapter, we see Yashiro’s train of through go from a conversation about love, to him remembering his abuse, and this his statement of Aoi being lucky to have Doumeki.

    Now, this may be a REACH, but I am gonna say it anyway LOL. I feel like in this scene Yashiro is starting to have an insight to how he views love and how this influences the way he feels love. For him, it's painful because it forces him to relive and remember the trauma he experienced as a child. It disrupts what he internalized and how he COPES with what happened to him. His abuser convinced this poor baby, that he enjoys pain. That for him, unless there is PAIN involved, he doesn’t feel anything. Well now Yashiro, a full realized adult, is feeling A LOT. Doumeki makes him feel a lot of feelings, and maybe the reason he connects this growing love he has to pain is because it’s all he knows? Or at least, it’s the emotion that’s the most familiar to him so therefore it’s easier to name? IDK I am just rambling at this point. But great comment and sorry for the wall of text!

    Sweet—dreams January 26, 2021 2:10 pm

    I don’t agree. I actually think, that Yashiro realized in this scene, that he does not need pain to feel anything. That he isn‘t even a masochist. That this was just a coping mechanism to deal with the abuse as a child.
    Have a look at
    Yashiro wants that Domeki hurts him more during their sexual intercourse, but Domeki declines. He says that Yashiro enjoys it so much without any pain.
    But Yashiro does not understand. „But why?“ Why do I feel so good when he touches me like that. Why do I feel so good when he is so soft. I feel good, no, I feel something even though it does not hurt. This is the first time Yashiro has sex, is not in pain and still feels really good.
    Have a look at this page. He remembers how his father raped him, how he cried in that moment. And at the same time he remembers the times he told others, that he liked pain.
    Yashiro, for the first time, understands that he lied to himself for about 26 years and openly cries.
    Someone analyzed, that this was the point where Domeki broke him and yes, I have to agree. Yashiro had suicidal tendencies all over the manga until this point. Now he really wants to die for a lot of reasons:
    - saing Domeki and cuting his ties with the Yakuza world
    - being able to leave Misumu/Yakuza
    - solving the problem with Hirata (because Hirata wants him and only him dead)
    - never feeling anything ever again

    It‘s still heart wrenching.

    arii February 1, 2021 4:39 pm

    wow that would be a A++ if in school they would let us analyze manga...oh that would be too good

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