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FluffBall-Sama asked a question

I read this one manga that was old and it shows the uke sleeping around. Many fujoshi "in the past" slut shamed the uke, but thank goodness, todays generation has shown improvement of the mindset of not just fujoshi readers but also the majority of BL fans definitely change. Because this days BL reader who read that particular manga defended the uke because he is not a slut, but rather the past readers only want him being a virgin.

Just sharing my thought hehe ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

Is the seme a playboy who slept around? cause Im tired with that shit, I first ask before reading

are there any asshole seme who sleep around or having sex with many people?

Im okay with the incest as long as it is not playboy types. Please confirm before I put this on my reading list

FluffBall-Sama asked question about question

are there any people in this website who discussed that netflix drama? (please give me the link if there is) So to discussed: 1.) Am I the only one who didnt get shock of what happened? 2.) Am I the only one cringing about the fact that people are making a video reaction about it? Like it doesnt even show some steamy scenes and they are overreact......

FluffBall-Sama created a topic of ANTI P.T.

From what I remember hwi (the seme or ML) quitted on his job before in a different gym, and there is a reason? has it been explained already or not?

Cause I drop this manhwa a long time ago, but since it is completed. I might as well read it already

FluffBall-Sama created a topic of Katekyo!

Im already done reading it, can the author please give us one more dj? I would like it to have the new artstyle. This is so cuteeeeeee!!!!


I know it was a cockblock, the seme and uke got blueballs but they didnt continue it.

Man.... this is the first time, I know the seme is paccking but he isnt stupid to have sex with someone in the room. Hoping that manhwa like this becoomes more popular than those shitty seme plots

aside from Hold me tight, this is the only manhwa who has beautiful art with fluffy plot. Im tired with those beautful art but has trashy seme. Goodness, Im waiting

Im so tired of this typical playboy seme that has a "gay for you themed"

Can someone please tell me if the uke also have sex before? or he is a virgin? (I only read the lates chapter and not the entire manhwa because I was waiting for it to be completed)

FluffBall-Sama created a topic of Black Mirror

But can someone explain to me?

are there times where the seme is going to sleep or sex with other people? I already knew that he likes to fuck before he met the uke, but are there times that he sleep around after meeting the uke?

It was only 10 chapters but I was already captivated by this manhwa, it is soooo good.

I stopped reading it because it was just started, but the manhwa has more chapters now and there first sex is OMG.

The seme has an ex? is it the bitch little brother or not?

FluffBall-Sama asked a question

It is a BL and it is about the seme being okay with the uke cheating on him

People in the comments are mad about the seme because he is an idiot, it was rated 8 stars and below. So please help me

FluffBall-Sama created a topic of Star-like Words

Im asking before reading this...

Will the seme also sleep around? or not? because Im okay with the uke sleeping around befire he met the seme, but I dont like a seme sleeping around after meeting the uke?

I already knew that the seme is playing around in the past, but in the story after he met the uke? thus he still sleep around with other women?

FluffBall-Sama created a topic of Hachimitsu Darling

Does this include drawing about the seme sleeping around? or he is playboy before he met the uke?

FluffBall-Sama asked a question

please recommend me this kind of BL, make it fluffy please and the misunderstanding minimal

Thus the seme sleep with the empress or not? and is robin the real father of the prince?

Thus thus seme also sleep with other people in the story? or he is faithful to the uke?

FluffBall-Sama asked a question

Please give me, I dont care if it has rape or confinement.

the only one in the picture is the seme and uke (no more no less), please dont give me something that involves other people or third wheels or past relationship backstory.

Second couples where purposely created to be different from the 1st couple because it will keep the manhwa running. Not because it is better than the 1st couple Lets take Banana Scandal for example: The 1st couple is so much fluffy, while the 2nd couple is dramatic or problematic. Now, the readers usually like the 2nd couple more because they thi......