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jordan9937 created a topic of Lost in the Cloud
jordan9937 created a topic of Night Fragments

Yeon this Yeon that for fucks sake can we move past this already

I could be wrong, but I read the recent raws and mc is giving PUSHOVER. That’s the one shit that I cannot stand!!! Like how tf are you gonna let that twink come for you like babe stand the fuck up

jordan9937 created a topic of Wet Sand

I’m just going to patiently wait until the end because I can’t do this :)

jordan9937 created a topic of Boarding House Number 5

This some good shit right here

jordan9937 created a topic of Monday'saviour
jordan9937 created a topic of Ruthless(Yuri)

Why do I feel like I just read this chapter backwards…

jordan9937 created a topic of Lost in the Cloud
jordan9937 created a topic of God Jangsan Tiger
jordan9937 created a topic of Someone Like You

I’m sooooo glad that they said that love is supposed to be childish. A lot of people forget that love doesn’t need to be complicated all the time and that it’s okay to just have fun!!! You only live once <3

jordan9937 created a topic of The Path Of Star

End of the season is coming :(

jordan9937 created a topic of Night Song
jordan9937 created a topic of The Path Of Star

I’m so confused what are they even fighting about at this point??

jordan9937 created a topic of Muse On Fame

I’m not fucking with the manager anymore based on the recent raws because what

jordan9937 created a topic of Rivalry

The connection to the story “the little prince” was adorable

jordan9937 created a topic of Rivalry

Okay that’s one of the best endings I think I’ve ever read because HELLO ITS SO REALISTIC???

jordan9937 created a topic of A Tree Without Roots
jordan9937 created a topic of Backlight
jordan9937 created a topic of Serious Joke