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tzking asked a question

Anyone knows if the webtoon "my far too tumultuous marriage " available here?

tzking like the answer
tzking add 1 photos to Beautiful men

Just too hot

Someone tell me is this harem? Rape? Non-con? Dub con? I want to read it if it's without these troupe

I'm such a sucker for Mahari and his pretty face ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

tzking answered question about chat about anything
Where do you even get pure helium to inhale? Are they that common to find? On another note, don't die in vain. If you don't value your life that much, how about volunteering in the war zone or be a firefighter. You will at least die while helping people

What happened to Aiden? Did he just got kidnapped?

I wouldn't even feel bad if Deon just sets the world on fire. Because honestly, they deserve it

How I wish Laurencia would do something to differentiate them otherwise the evil sister can do so much harm by just impersonate her.

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

Unhand our boy Aiden right this instant! How dare u manhandle our boy like that! It was selena who went to see Aiden. If Lucas is so jealous, he should have asked Selena about it and definitely not angrily coz boy you have no right over our girl