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Gyojin mistrusts all alphas and he despises the society that makes life difficult for Omegas. He man...

  • Author: Hoben
  • Genres: Yaoi / Smut / Romance / Webtoons
Yaoi sniffer like the answer
im more confused about the people that are actually bothered/and or hate on someone who ship different people than yourself. shipping tropes or couples that are taboo are for many fans exiting and fun, we get to explore our likes or dislikes and if you dont like something just simply mute/block and or ignore :) make your own experience as good as i......
Yaoi sniffer add 1 photos to Album

wtf is up with that cats face... and why is it oddly human?

Yaoi sniffer add manga to list fovorites

"Good, make me your owner." The strongest couple to conquer the other world appears!?...

  • Author: KAZIWARA Io
  • Genres: Yaoi / Smut / Fantasy