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Hello DEAR like the answer
As someone who has been reading BL since I was 14 (27 now), there have been times where I read it less (or not at all) because it didn't hit the same way. If you don't think it's giving you pleasure and enjoyment like it used to, maybe it's time to take a break and widen your horizons!

I'm getting excited ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

Hello DEAR created a topic of Predator Marriage

Nooo don't cryy (/TДT)/

Hello DEAR created a topic of Predator Marriage

There we go

Hello DEAR like the answer
YES. During class, while I was in my first year of high school, my first period teacher had the lights completely off in the classroom; either because we were watching a documentary or she was presenting a lesson on the projector. For some dumb fucking reason, I forgot I had a MRM page open as soon as I unlocked my phone, and those goddamn gay porn......
Hello DEAR add 1 photos to silly thought
Tags: funny bruh

feels like he gonna eat her hand

Hello DEAR created a topic of Silver Tree

I love how he becomes slowly greedy

Hello DEAR like the answer
Hello DEAR like the answer
Hello DEAR answered question about question
Found it on my phone themes
Hello DEAR created a topic of Silver Tree

I'm pretty much sure that the prince would want the fl just because the knight loves her(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

Just make him sign something of of anything happens it won't be your fault let him die

Hello DEAR asked a question

I just read a traumatizing story I need to breathe some fresh air can you recommend me daddy vibes straight males I need it

Hello DEAR created a topic of I Am The Villain

I'm sure the "it is dangerous" it's about him not the fall ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

Hello DEAR created a topic of Be the Actor

I love the stories inside the story where are they IRL