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bichuknowimsexy created a topic of Nerd Project

Who wouldn't get hard kissing spider man

bichuknowimsexy created a topic of Obsidian Bride

Fuck the owl guy, the amount of times he scared me when he's with MC

Stopped at chap 16. Maybe I'm just used to villainess smart MCs but the mc is literally has the most advantage out of them all but remains fucking stupid and doing nothing at all. She's literally a grown ass woman in mind but to think the children has more common sense to scout the unfamiliar area they are in while she acts clueless (she's not even acting, cuz she is stupidly clueless despite ts being her second life) Kuhang kuha mo talaga inis ko beh. So tell me, does she get better?

Stopper at chap 16. Maybe I'm just used to villainess smart MCs but the mc is literally has the most advantage out of them all but remains fucking stupid and doing nothing at all. She's literally a grown ass woman in mind but to think the children has more common sense to scout the unfamiliar area they are in while she acts clueless (she's not even acting, cuz she is stupidly clueless despite ts being her second life) Kuhang kuha mo talaga inis ko beh. So tell me, does she get better?

The first half of this story is literally queer bait but the plot is actually good and NOT THE CLIFFHANGER

bichuknowimsexy created a topic of Secretary to Stage

This is what happens when you hire a hentai artist lol

bichuknowimsexy created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

Avoidant attachment goes hard

Actually interesting to read due to the world building but the amount of unnecessary flashbacks is buggin me especially when I just want to know what happens next to the character lol. The pacing has improved a lil bit cuz the first half was so draggy imo.

bichuknowimsexy created a topic of Secret Lady

The art had a glow up while the translation glowed down

The concept is pretty interesting but I just can't with the dialogues

bichuknowimsexy created a topic of Silent Lover

The whole plot is generic and predictable but it's my guilty pleasure

bichuknowimsexy created a topic of Jinx

This gave me a lot of suspense due misunderstandings and no communication between them but ig it's alr it is what it is

bichuknowimsexy asked a question

I just finished the season 1 of I'm not That Kind of Talent (not sure of the title) and I feel so empty I can't even read. I WANT MOOOOREE THE CLIFFHANGER IS KILLING ME Y'ALL HELP MEEE!! I am so incapable of finding joy in life I feel like I'm in dopamine detox or sugar withdrawal rn. Does anyone know where to find the novel