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idkdik created a topic of Form of Broken Love

OKAY raws for chapter 52 just dropped and this is what happened; we left off past chapter (51) with gyeol asking sooyeon to go out with him (aka date him) and sooyeon shocked. Sooyeon then tells him "do not lie" and then glares at him (like fr a REAL glare) and says " im sick of you playing games with me" then gyeol still holding sooyeon's hands says " im serious, think about it" (btw why did he look ugly smiling like that hshshshd) then he grabs his stuff and leaves sooyeon alone in the studio. Later, we see sooyeon enter his house and he notices a pair of shoes. Yoonho was sitting in the kitchen table and peeling off a peach i think? And sooyeon sits in front of him. Yoonho asks him if he likes peaches and sooyeon says yea. Yoonho then takes the knife with a piece of the peache stab right through it and puts it next to sooyeon's mouth. Sooyeon turns away and says that hes not going to eat it. Yoonho stands up and puts the knife in sooyeon's mouth and makes him bite the piece then says "is it a lie that u like peaches?" (Oof the shade cuz sooyeon is a lying mf) then says "i wanna do it, go and take off ur clothes" and his eyes are literally glaring at sooyeon like a tiger lmao. Then suddenly we get to see what that girl told yoonho it was something along the lines of " there was a rumour that sooyeon had a relationship with 3 or 4 students before they entered school and that one senior saw him kissing a student" we then get to see yoonho's monologue where he basically says that it was really hard to come to terms with what sooyeon did and how he is (aka slutty af) and says that it was hard to say out loud how obsessed he was with the innocent side of his relationship with yoonho and ends his monologue with "today is the day where ill let anger be and im gonna be the ruthless master he wants me to be, i want to show sooyeon what happened to me because of you, i brainwashed myself" we then cut back to sooyeon naked sitting on the bed and yoonho coming towards him and the inner thinking of yoonho continues with " he is my lover and not a noble potter nor a professor you will prepare to accept me you are just a slave" (WHAT DID SOOYEON DO TO THE POOR BOY WHAT) yoonho then grabs sooyeon's face and puts a blindfold on him while thinking "i removed all of my affection and innocent feelings" and then puts shackles on sooyeon's feet and hands as well as a neck collar while again basically saying how he now only wants to hurt and slap yoonho. He uh...starts to kiss and lick sooyeon's toes and feet and the final inner thought was " im ready to become a master" then sooyeon's phone starts to ring it was gyeol. Yoonho picks up and says " this will be the final call, i want you to see us having sex" THE END of the chapter well.