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sungeon just let him smoke his weed lmao (im kidding dont cancel me please)

ur one and only hoe u can take me anywhere anytime daddy

here for the memes created a topic of Monthly Chest

best thing ive read all day

lmao a 13 year old could write a better story than this cant believe i wasted 30 minutes on trash

damn i hate the amount of misunderstandings there are in this manhwa and also the psycho dude? yea u gotta calm down man

yayyy shes alive wooo but ohh no hannah died (but then again isnt it because of hannah that she had to keep reliving?)

here for the memes created a topic of Baby Empress

sheesh mans is the the sand man

ok first of all holy shit is it just me or the art just improved like drastically second of all wTF ARE U DOING LEAVE HIM ALONE U PIECE OF SHITS

so....we can choose our sexuality now...can we mix and match? lmfao

wtf ik hes not a bad person and shit but dude u gotta believe him when he says it hurts man, ur literally thrusting ur dick into ass and ass isnt made to be fuked. it even hurts when ur taking a shit why wouldnt it hurts when something goes in it???

see this is why i cant take tis shit seriously gozu why u gotta be so horni all the time (i mean its not bad by all means, pls be hornier, i need the smut)

here for the memes created a topic of Thirst

1) the vomit looked disgoostang yall he puked all over their dicks ewww lmfao
2) why their balls so red they look like monkeys balls
3) the top looks high all the time holy shit why his eyes so red my guy u smoke weed in between sets or some shit?

ok uh 1) yay they finally confessed even though hanseok is still an asshole in the beginning hope he makes up for it and shows his sincerity
2) are they rlly doing it with the blonde guy in the next room lmao???

die winter, just die. ur trash. u got trauma? good for u ok u got all the pity u want yet? no? ok well why dont u go on and verbally abuse ur wife that u "love" (wat a fkin joke) by telling her she has nothing and u dont trust shit she says, oh oh oh, better yet, dont verify shit like checking her doctor or whatever and just assume well i guess shes sick of me and is cheating on me now ha ha ha lemme just put someone to spy on u now and get drunk bcos i feel sAd

everyone in this manhwa sucks except the old snake man, divine beasts, lucy, fl and ml and ik there are people trying to kill our precious main couple but..but im most concerned abt 1) please for the love of god clear up the misunderstanding that amon loves lucy please our fl was fkin contemplating on how to seduce a leopard lmao 2) i really wanna see shanti and the other yellow leopards human form i bet they're like really cute pale twins with light brownish hair hehe