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Hisocock_Zoldick April 11, 2024 2:25 am

Am I's actually back.....after 2 years ......LET'S FUCKING GOOOOO!!! (╥﹏╥)

Hisocock_Zoldick September 20, 2023 8:11 pm

Is it just me or Sangwoo got some type of autism? I have a friend who's REALLY similar to Sangwoo and he got Asperger syndrome.

The symptoms can be:

- A need for routine and difficulty adapting to changes and unexpected events, a tendency toward repeated and stereotypical behavior.

- Difficulty recognizing and managing emotions

- Impaired understanding and verbal and non-verbal communication. The person cannot decode facial expressions, tone of voice, humor, subtleties of language.

- An alteration in the quality of social interactions. They encounters difficulties in creating a bond with those around him, in making friends, in friendly or romantic emotional relationships.

- Behavioral disorders, marked by repetitive and stereotypical behaviors associated with restricted and channeled interest. This restricted interest can materialize in an impressive general culture, a very important memory and an unlimited interest in a specific area of knowledge. (cars, aviation, botany, etc.).


Maybe I'm reaching too much....I don't know. What do you guys think? #-.-)

    Xxalexhere September 21, 2023 1:42 am

    I always thought of him on the autism spectrum

    Come on September 21, 2023 1:59 am

    Don't think so. Pretty sure the author just wanted him to be an extreme Istj. But if you're saying that every istj is autistic, that sure makes sense /lh (I just have a biased hatred towards istjs lmao)

    Xxalexhere September 21, 2023 2:05 am
    Don't think so. Pretty sure the author just wanted him to be an extreme Istj. But if you're saying that every istj is autistic, that sure makes sense /lh (I just have a biased hatred towards istjs lmao) Come on

    I am autistic and it's just a headcanon I have not that serious

    Slim Shady September 21, 2023 2:36 am

    Oh yeah 100%, the author even included mild prosopagnosia which is a lesser known symptom of autism and that strikes me as very intentional

    Sunflowers September 21, 2023 4:45 am

    He definitely is on the spectrum. His mom is the same so it must be genetic.

    CabbagePanda September 21, 2023 5:57 am

    Oh for sure. Note that Korea and Asia in general are LEAGUES behind in autism diagnoses, research, and overall medical knowledge. Even in western countries, if you're not a 7 year old white boy who is bouncing off the walls, then good luck getting a diagnosis until you are twenty years old and unable to function

    Yiruma_897 September 22, 2023 4:58 am
    Don't think so. Pretty sure the author just wanted him to be an extreme Istj. But if you're saying that every istj is autistic, that sure makes sense /lh (I just have a biased hatred towards istjs lmao) Come on


    Yiruma_897 September 22, 2023 4:58 am
    Don't think so. Pretty sure the author just wanted him to be an extreme Istj. But if you're saying that every istj is autistic, that sure makes sense /lh (I just have a biased hatred towards istjs lmao) Come on

    Remind me not to hang around you

    ueu September 26, 2023 1:55 pm
    Oh for sure. Note that Korea and Asia in general are LEAGUES behind in autism diagnoses, research, and overall medical knowledge. Even in western countries, if you're not a 7 year old white boy who is bouncing ... CabbagePanda

    This was so unnecessarily funny lmao, you’re so right in that

    Come on October 12, 2023 11:05 am
    Remind me not to hang around you Yiruma_897

    lmao appreciate it

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I like a lot of stuff, I am currently learning English by reading weebtoon/manhwa.
I'm from Mars, and you, humains, have some pretty good taste. 

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