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Gaehoe created a topic of An Inferior Relationship

The last chap is so corny I can't haha, why did I read this

Gaehoe created a topic of A Tree Without Roots

Okay but what the fuck is the point of all those years of investigation just for that woman/murderer/mom of tae to be not in jail. I love the story so far but not this part tho, I knew she's his family and all but what the point of everything like

Gaehoe created a topic of My Beloved Oppressor

bro no matter how much dreadful past it'll show in the following chaps, what he did to her is still shit and he'll always be a shit.

Gaehoe created a topic of Lily of the Valley


Gaehoe created a topic of Lily of the Valley

ew lily Btch , stop calling Anna's name with that mouth of urs like

Gaehoe created a topic of Lily of the Valley

can the author just bring another character for Anna? Like hell nah that would be complete shit if Anna would end up lily later like naurr man lily's a B

Gaehoe created a topic of Lily of the Valley

No way Anna go pack ur bag and leave please, idc if she got fool, how can u just go and hook up with someone on the spot, use ur brain pls

all I want now is him chasing ssaki :) wouldn't it'll be nicer that way? But it seems kinda impossible coz saki is so Inlove with bro.

Gaehoe created a topic of My Beloved Oppressor
Gaehoe created a topic of Backlight

*sigh :| fuck the story, bye. I fuckin love this shit so much, but now? The Fuck is thy shit, bro uke the fuck is with u u was rotting for u in the Early chaps coz you didn't get swept away with what the bro wants but here u are :)

Gaehoe created a topic of Backlight

What the actual fuck, I'm outta here,

Gaehoe created a topic of My Beloved Oppressor

Seriously Bru you ask when she changed? Did yah left yah brain in your mom's womb or something

My lil potato deserves the world bru, idc if ml dude don't understand love n shit he's the shit himself. Kor deserve a way better Mann cameon

Gaehoe created a topic of My Beloved Oppressor

bro just shot me in the head rn so I needn't to continue this sht

Gaehoe created a topic of Unfinished Business

what's with the rape shit tho, I understand his possessiveness but raping him and turning em into an omega just wtf. I'd be very disappointed if when the mc found out that he was mido and forgives him Easily like hell naurr

Gaehoe created a topic of Aijitsu to Hanayome

buhoo ! So when is my turn? I wanna be happy too they look so happy I'm crying

dayum I like that~ have a taste of ur own medicine B! but I do hope that the dude seme will talk his shit out later after that, and not force uke on fucking coz hoes mad. Like can u guys just talk? Or maybe u guys need therapy of sumthn

Gaehoe created a topic of Dead man Switch

dayum, I've got lots to say but I'll shut my damn mouth for now, I might as well sleep instead of writing a whole damn speech in here. But seriously tho im kinda losing Interest in this story coz of the few new chaps like bruhhhh

Gaehoe created a topic of High Pulse

I haven't read this for a while as I'm waiting for when he presents ༎‿༎ when's December coming ya'll alsooo bro only mentioned the " alpha sht" how about omega?? Don't tell me he still hates omega and didn't even thought about the possibility of mc presenting as an omega?? Tell me ya'll !

Gaehoe add manga to list Hotuu treasure's


  • Author:
  • Genres: Webtoons / Yaoi