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lti created a topic of Like Two Peas in a Pod

Stories like this rarely work with one volume imo.

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im trying my best >_< i don’t really like my art but i’ll get better, one day
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12 05,2021
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12 05,2021
lti like question

I've read too many isekai story lately and curious if the readers know this type of game existed?? :-

-adventure like storyplot
-a guild where players can submit quest (not managing a guild. Like we given a choice to do the quest from quest boards) and get rewards from the guild lol
-rank up from E to S adventure by doing task
-not puzzle game but like mmorpg style
-can trade/custom weapons/food
-hv option to buy house on selected location (not managing it....coz...u an adventure!)

Well...I am curious if such game existed. Do drop by if u all know ok?
So far I think the neares will be Ragnarok M.... But... there's no adventure guild...just quest to change job..... which is boring after awhile. And they don't hv circle day/night or eat food because hungry.

On other hand...utopian:origin is closes to feel like u are adventure....but again....they don't hv guild for adventure. Just guild made from players. So no rank but they do lvl up....

Actually I don't know why I'm post this.... probably bored hahahhahaa

lti created a topic of Authentic gay training school

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The highly anticipated BL list for Isekai to help fulfill your yaoi needs and wants!!! 

*NOTE: This list will be updated as more BL Isekai stories are found (take note that many are ongoing/incomplete).

04 05,2021
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